

The Greenville Public Library provides a vital service to the community as an ever-expanding source of information and recreation to a growing number of patrons. It is a living memorial to the loyal efforts of many devoted citizens who have believed that a library was an essential part of everyday life.

In the course of one hundred years there have been 132 individuals who have served the. community either as incorporators 'board members, or as librarians in charge. Fourteen of these have had official connections of more than thirty years each, and sixteen more have served between twelve and twenty-nine years. In the thirty-year category are Orra A. Angell, Cora L. Burlingame, Richard W. Clemence, Irene B. Jenckes, May B. Lamb, Kay K. Moore, Louise W. Moore, Alonzo P. Mowry, Marshall W. Mowry, Oscar A. Tobey, Nellie C. Vaughn, Andrew B. Winsor, Nicholas S. Winsor, and Thomas K. Winsor. Andrew B. Winsor served as treasurer for 35 years, including the years of the erection of and addition to the Henry F. Jenckes memorial building. Although Miss Stillwell was on the board for only twelve years, it is due to her insight, artistic sense and indefatigable energy that as Building Chairman the new building and its wing were completed between 1954 and 1966.

Books on shelves can be a monument of knowledge -- but it is the patrons who make a library more than a monument to the past. The eager young children who pore over the picture books and easy readers or listen spell-bound to stories and films the school children who are searching for information needed for education as well as for the fun of reading, the adults who require details on "how-to-do-it". who read for pleasure, or thrill over mystery stories, or who travel vicariously in many parts of the world, or renew or extend their knowledge of art, history and biography --all make the library a living experience.

As the Greenville Public Library enters upon its second century of growth it looks forward to the continued interest and support of the Greenville and Smithfield citizens to maintain this increasingly valuable community asset.
